Monday 27 May 2013

First Time NSpec with Visual Studio 2012

There are many different tools to do Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) practice. One of them is NSpec. In this post, I described the first step of how to use it with Visual Studio 2012.

Firstly we need to install NSpec and NSpec adapter for xUnit on our test project, we can use Package Manager to install those easily.

Then add a class in the project and put the code below:
using NSpec;
class my_first_spec : nspec
    void given_the_world_has_not_come_to_an_end()
        it["Hello World should be Hello World"] = () => "Hello World".should_be("Hello World");

Build the project then run this command on Package Manager Console:
nspecrunner [your_test_project]\bin\debug\[your_test_project].dll
You should get this result:
my first spec
  given the world has not come to an end
    Hello World should be Hello World

1 Examples, 0 Failed, 0 Pending

If you had this error "The term 'nspecrunner' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program" then it seems that the files are not copied properly by PM. You could resolve this issue by manually copying the missing files.
Go to '[your_solution_folder]\packages\nspec.0.9.66\tools' folder then copy these two files; NSpecRunner and NSpecRunner.exe, to '[your_project_folder]\bin\debug' folder.
Restart Visual Studio then run the command again.

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