Monday 30 April 2012

Slides - a Slideshow Plugin for jQuery

When I was looking for a simple jQuery slideshow plugin, I came across to Slides ( This plugin is simple to be implemented and seems to be highly customisable. It also supports either text or image content elements that can be easily set with html and css. In addition, it includes a pagination as well.

To get started, we need to include jQuery and the javascript library:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/slides.min.jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
The file can be obtained from the plugin website

Then prepare some basic html:
<div id='slides'>
    <div class="slides_container">
            Content One
            Content Two
            Content Three
Note, the first div container's name can be anything, however the one inside it 'slides_container' should not be renamed. Then for each slide of the slideshow, we just need to create a separate 'div'. Inside each one of them, we can put any nested or more complicated html if we like.

Next, call the slides() function:

After that, we can put the desired html inside each 'div' and style them. We will also need to style the pagination later. An example can be found on

This is an example that I have:
<div id='slides'>
    <div class="slides_container">
        <div class="slide one">
            <div class='captionone'>
                <h1>Heading one</h1>
                <p>Content one 1 1 1 <a href='/page-one.aspx' class='more'>more</a></p>
            <div class="bottomImages">
                <a class='imageone'></a>
                <a class='imagetwo'></a>
                <a class='imagethree'></a>
        <div class="slide two">
            <div class='captiontwo'>
                <h1>Heading twolt;/h1>
                <p>Content two 2 2 2 <a href='/page-two.aspx' class='more'>more</a></p>
            <div class="bottomImages">
                <a class='imageone'></a>
                <a class='imagetwo'></a>
                <a class='imagethree'></a>
        <div class="slide three">
            <div class='captionthree'>
                <h1>Heading three</h1>
                <p>Content three 3 3 3 <a href='/page-three.aspx' class='more'>more</a></p>
            <div class="bottomImages">
                <a class='imageone'></a>
                <a class='imagetwo'></a>
                <a class='imagethree'></a>
In my example, I have three slides with images background. On each slide there's a text element and three small images on the bottom that have hover styles as well.

Now for the pagination, the slideshow script generates a pagination underneath 'slides_container' div. Below is the html added by the script when we have three slides:
<ul class="pagination">
    <li class="current"><a href="#0">1</a> </li>
    <li class=""><a href="#1">2</a> </li>
    <li class=""><a href="#2">3</a> </li>

We can style this as we like but we cannot change the html structures. Tips; if we would like to create a custom pagination inside/outside the slideshow div, we could use jQuery click event to make our custom pagination elements to do the same thing as the built in pagination when they are clicked. In the following example, I made the bottom images as my custom pagination:
$('#slides .imageone').click(function () {
    $("ul.pagination li:first-child a").click();
$('#slides .imagetwo').click(function () {
    $("ul.pagination li:nth-child(2) a").click();
$('#slides .imagethree').click(function () {
    $("ul.pagination li:last-child a").click();

There are also some parameters that can be set for the slides() function. For example:
    preload: true,
    preloadImage: '/images/loading.gif',
    play: 5000,
    pause: 2500,
    hoverPause: true,
    animationStart: function (current) {
        /* do something here */
    animationComplete: function (current) {
        /* do something here*/
    slidesLoaded: function () {
        /* do something here*/
Please refer to the website for a list of parameters and their description.

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